New School Building

As you may be aware, Baldragon Academy is set to embark on a new chapter in our history when we move into our new building on Harestane Road.

The date for the move has now been confirmed by the project team and the Scottish Government has agreed the closure dates that we must have in order for the move to take place.

The timeline for the move is outlined for you at the end of this letter: it is hoped that by using the period around the INSET and mid-term break we can maximise the time for the move whilst minimising the disruption to learning and teaching.

I apologise for the short-term inconvenience this will cause but I am sure you will appreciate the long-term benefits.  Very soon we will occupy a modern school building with state-of-the art facilities.  A first-class environment for learning and teaching will become a much deserved reality for our school community.


Date                                                       Description                                           Attending

Monday 12 February                          Last day in old building                       All pupils/staff

Tuesday 13 February                          Closure day for move                          Staff only

Wednesday 14 February                    Closure day for move                          Staff only

Thursday 15 February                         City wide INSET day                             Staff only

Friday 16 February                              Mid-term holiday                                 No pupils/staff

Monday 19 February                          Mid-term holiday                                 No pupils/staff

Tuesday 21 February                          Closure day for move                          Staff only

Wednesday 22 February                    Closure day for move                          Staff only

Thursday 23 February                         First day in new building                    All pupils/staff